Simon Business School, University of Rochester
As a Lab Instructor
- GBA424 Analytics Design and Applications
- Ratings: 4.59/5.00 (2020 Fall); 5.00/5.00 (2021 Summer); 4.81/5.00 (2021 Fall)
As a TA
- MKT436R/GBA436R Predictive and Causal Analytics (2021 Summer, 2022 Fall)
- MKT440 Pricing Analytics (2022 Spring)
- GBA412 Data Analytics (2022 Fall)
School of Management and Economics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen
As a TA
- ECO3121 Introductory Econometrics (2018 Fall)
- MAT3010 Calculus for Economic Analysis II (2018 Fall)
- ECO3021 Intermediate Macroeconomics (2019 Spring)
- ECO4020 Advanced Macroeconomics (2019 Spring)
Boston College
The Connors Family Learning Center